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Innovative Regeneration Technology to Solve Peri-implantitis by Er:YAG Laser Based on the Microbiologic Diagnosis: A Case Series

Innovative Regeneration Technology to Solve Peri-implantitis by Er:YAG Laser Based on the Microbiologic Diagnosis: A Case Series

Toshiaki Yoshino, DDS, PhD 1 Atsuhiko Yamamoto, DDS, PhD 2 Yoshihiro Ono, DDS 3
1 Private Practice, Yokohama, Japan; Lecturer, The Japan Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
2 Lecturer, The Japan Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, Tokyo, Japan; Private Practice, Osaka, Japan.
3 Director, The Japan Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry – Volume 35, Number 1, 2015

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