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The Er:YAG Laser in Endodontics: Results of an In Vitro Study

The Er:YAG Laser in Endodontics: Results of an In Vitro Study

Ulrich Schoop, MD, DDS,1* Andreas Moritz, MD, DDS, PhD,1 Wolf Kluger, MD, DDS,1 Sanda Patruta, MD, DDS,1 Kawe Goharkhay, MD, DDS,1 Wolfgang Sperr, MD, DDS, PhD,1 Johann Wernisch, TD, PhD,2 Rainer Gattringer, MD,3 Paulus Mrass, MD,3 and Apostolos Georgopoulos, MD, PhD,3
1 Department of Conservative Dentistry, Dental School, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Wa ̈hringer Straße 25a, Austria
2 Institute for Applied and Technical Physics, Technical University of Vienna, A-1040 Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, Austria
3 University Clinic for Internal Medicine I, Deptartment of Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy, Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Wa ̈hringer Gu ̈rtel 18-20, Austria

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 30:360–364 (2002)

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